New Account Application & Profile Form 

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In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Page 1

Baker & Taylor 
2810 Coliseum Centre Dr. Ste. 300 I Charlotte, NC 28217 

* Required Fields
Institution Type

Attention Retailers:


Thank you for reaching out to Baker & Taylor with interest in purchasing items.  However, at this time, we are not partnering with domestic retailers or wholesalers. If you choose to complete this application, we will review your request but are not likely able to open an account at this time. 


We wish you and your business the very best with your future endeavors.


Thank you,

Baker & Taylor


You may close the browser to exit. 

Institution Information
A PO BOX CANNOT BE USED FOR A SHIPPING ADDRESS.  If you billing address is a PO Box, you must enter a Shipping Address.  

Institution Main Contact Information
Bill Trust Access & Invoice Information

Tax Information

Backorder Period

 Early Shipment Agreement
In consideration for purchasing and receiving certain products from Baker & Taylor, Inc. and/or its affiliates (“B&T”) in advance of the on-sale date for such products (“NYP Titles”), Customer agrees that Customer will not directly or indirectly sell, display, loan, or in any manner allow NYP Titles to be read prior to the on-sale date assigned by the publisher for the NYP Title. Customer will comply with any additional terms and conditions applicable to the NYP Title put in effect from time to time by B&T or the publisher of the NYP Title. B&T is not responsible for the failure of any carrier to meet its delivery schedule and assumes no liability in the event Customer does not receive NYP titles prior to the on-sale date. If Customer violates this agreement, Customer’s early shipment privileges may be discontinued and Customer will indemnify and hold B&T harmless from any damages arising from such violation. B&T may terminate this agreement at any time for any reason.

Ordering Method

EDI Ordering

Title Source 360
Administrative Title Source 360 user will have the ability to create user IDs , up to the number of users entered. 

*Each organization is given FIVE (5) free user IDs for Title Source 360.  Additional users may required a yearly subscription fee. 

Additional Title Source 360 Services Available

*Additional services selected for Title Source 360 may require a yearly subscription fee. 
Products Available from B&T
Select Yes or No for the below list of products that your library in interested in purchasing. 
Yes No Yes, With Cataloging/Processing
Shipping Information

Freight Forwarder (Please provide address)
Please enter Tax Registration # If you are using a Freight Forwarder
If you have a VAT or GST# please enter it here.
Credit Application Information

This Confidential Credit Application ("Application") is made to Baker & Taylor, Inc., its subsidiaries, affiliates, successors and assigns (“Baker & Taylor” or “Seller") for the purpose of inducing Baker & Taylor to extend credit accommodations to the Applicant named below. The issuance of an account number by Baker & Taylor to Applicant in order to perform a credit analysis, or the subsequent credit approval of Applicant by Baker & Taylor does not constitute Baker & Taylor's agreement to enter into a business relationship with Applicant.

Terms & Conditions can be found here:  Terms & Conditions 
Credit Application Contact Information

Annual Budget Information

Supplier References
Supplier #1
Supplier #2
Credit Card Agreement
In order to remit payment by credit card, please read this application carefully, fill in all Information requested, and indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this application by signing below. As used herein, the term “you” means the undersigned customer.

Terms & Conditions:

  • The following credit cards are currently accepted: Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.
  • It will be your responsibility to keep valid credit card information on file via Baker & Taylor's secure credit card processor (this Information will be supplied once your terms are accepted).
  • Any declines on your credit card may lead to your account being placed on hold pending review of card status and resolution. You are fully responsible for any and all unpaid balances on your account.
  • Payments made by credit card do not qualify for any prompt pay discounts.
  • Payments made outside of prearranged credit card terms may be subject to a 2.5% convenience fee, which will be added to the amount charged on your credit card.
Customer Information

Continue to page 2.

Page 2

Book Processing Section
Processing & Cataloging Packages 
School Package Options include:

Package A:

·      Poly Laminate for Paperback Books (7 mil), Mylar Jacket, Label Protectors, B&T Barcode Label, B&T Supplied Ownership Label, MARC Record, Spine Label, Theft Detection (3M, Checkpoint or RFID)

Package B:

·      Mylar Jacket, Label Protectors, B&T Barcode Label, B&T Supplied Ownership Label, MARC Record, Spine Label, Theft Detection (3M, Checkpoint or RFID)

Package C:

·      Label Protectors, B&T Barcode Label, B&T Supplied Ownership Label, MARC Record, Spine Label, Theft Detection (3M, Checkpoint or RFID)

Package D:

·        Label Protectors, B&T Barcode Label, MARC Record, Spine Label

Package E:

·        MARC Record

Processing & Cataloging A la Carte Options
A la Carte Process & Cataloging Options:

Select a la Carte options for the following: 

Poly Laminate for Paperback Books
Mylar Jacket
B&T Barcode Label
B&T Supplied Ownership Label
MARC Record
Spine Label
Theft Detection

Mylar Jackets



Ownership Label
Baker & Taylor will provide an Ownership Label that can be up to 4 lines with 30 characters on each line. The capitalization can be in upper and lower case based on your indication below. 

Font Size is Tahoma, 8 pitch.

Please indicate how the label should read

Spine Labels
Baker & Taylor will provide a spine label that is a font size of Lucida Sans Typewriter; 12 pitch Bold.  Spine labels are attached horizontally to the dust cover or book if no dust cover. 

Theft Detection

RFID Theft
Baker & Taylor high performance, cost-efficient universal RFID tags are compatible with all major RFID systems. These 13.5MHz tags are compliant with all international ISO standards and have a lifetime warranty.

Location and Placement:
Lower left corner of inside back cover, ¼” to ¾” from the spine. The position will be staggered starting with: 1st position, 1” from bottom book edge; 2nd position, middle of page; 3rd position will not exceed 2” from top of book.

NOTE: Baker & Taylor will not deviate from the above instructions.

RFID Software Vendor Contact Information:
Baker & Taylor Barcode Labels

Barcode Range
Please provide a range of at least 1,000 numbers to use as the starting and ending numbers.

Standard Barcode Label Text
Up to 2 lines of information can be indicated but not required. There is a 30-character limit per line, including spacing.
Please indicate how the Standard Barcode Label should read.
Small Barcode Label Text
There is a 30-character limit per line, including spacing.
Please indicate how the Small Barcode Label should read.
Barcode Placement
Barcode Label

MARC Records
Machine Readable Records will be provided on the Internet through our BTCAT State of the Art Library Cataloging Utility.

Library of Congress subject headings will be provided.

Unavailable Cataloging
Baker & Taylor will provide CIP or full LC MARC records, including original Baker & Taylor cataloging when LC cataloging is not available. There may be titles for which cataloging is not yet available.


Library of Congress Margin Formatting
LC Margins

MARC Records
Machine Readable Records will be provided on the Internet through our BTCAT State of the Art Library Cataloging Utility.

Sears subject headings will be provided.

Leveled Reading Programs

Unavailable Cataloging
Baker & Taylor will provide CIP of full LC MARC records, including original Baker & Taylor cataloging when LC cataloging is not available. There may be titles for which cataloging is not yet available.

Dewey Information 
*Dewey # standard is Unabridged Dewey cut at 1st prime unless otherwise indicated.

Check ALL selections that apply for each category.

Call Number Information
TechXpress spine labels include up to 8 characters per line.

Please use ABC…. To indicate author letters where all letters are capitalized. Only one choice per account.

Please use Abc… To indicate author/biographee letter where only first letter is capitalized. Only one choice per account.

Indicate Full Surname by writing SURNAME and indicate First Name by writing FIRST NAME. If Full Surname or Full First name is required, the surname will wrap after the 8th character.

Please complete each section with an entry following the “sample” fiction and nonfiction entries to provide us with the appearance you would like for your spine labels.

Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
JUVENILE applies to titles that have been indicated as JUVENILE in the 008 tag.
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
EASY generally applies to titles in a Preschool through 3rd grade reading level
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Spine labels include up to 8 characters per line and will automatically wrap to next line.  
Items/Holding Information
Specify tag and subfield for data to be included in Item/Holding tag. If NO tag is specified, data will not appear in Baker and Taylor assigned tag as noted in Format above.
List Price
Tag Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Subfield
Holding Branch Code
 Branch Code Tag Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Subfield
Tag Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Subfield
Local Call Number Undivided
Tag Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Subfield
Local Call Number Divided
Tag Indicator 1 Indicator 2

Local Call Number
Tag Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Subfield
Order Date
Tag Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Subfield
Grade Level
Tag Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Subfield
Purchase Order
Tag Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Subfield
Review Source
Tag Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Subfield
Additional Information

Acceptance of Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions can be found here:  Terms & Conditions